Regular attendance is essential for learning and success. Every day that a child misses school is a lost opportunity to learn.
It is important to talk to your child about the importance of attending school regularly. Explain to them that missing school can have a negative impact on their learning, their attainment, and their future opportunities.
If your child is sick, please contact the school before 9am (see our attendance protocols). We will work with you to make sure that your child does not fall behind in their schoolwork.
We appreciate your support in helping your child attend school regularly. Together, we can make sure that all of our pupils have the opportunity to succeed.
Here are some additional tips for parents on how to promote good school attendance:
Our attendance target for this year is 95%. We have weekly, half-termly and termly rewards for attendance.
The attendance officer is our home-school link worker, Mrs Lockett. Our safeguarding and attendance lead is Mrs Adlington.