After School Clubs

To support the wider development of our children, we offer a varied selection of After School Clubs and most of these are open for an hour after the normal school core time.  Some clubs run at lunchtime.  Clubs run every day but some are by invitation only or for specific key stages. The clubs change from term to term and club offers are sent out at the end of each term outlining the range of options for the following term.  Examples of activities are: creativity and wellbeing, diversity, homework, a variety of sports clubs depending upon season, gardening, indoor activities such as photography, debate, digital leaders and sign language. We offer Take the Stage for our Key Stage 2 children to develop drama, performance and musical talents.  We try to respond to children’s requests when deciding what clubs to run, alongside utilising staff talents e.g. we have an FA trained football coach.

While we make every effort to accommodate all applicants, the clubs do have limited places and applications are dealt with on a first come first served basis.